Nahum’s name means “Compassionate” or “Full of comfort” or “Consolation”NahumprophesiedafterthefallofHebes(663B.C.)andbeforethefallofNineveh(612B.C.),thesubjectofhisprophecy.Thelikely period is considered to be around 650 to 630 B.C. Nahum is considered a sequel to Jonah as Nineveh’s repentance was short-lived and judgement is now forthcoming.
God is slow to anger
[Nah 1]GodwillavengeHisadversaries,butshowkindnesstothosewhotrustinHim.ThedestructionofNinevehisprophesiedandJudahis urged to keep her solemn feasts and vows.
The besiege of Nineveh
[Nah 2]An account of the besiege of Nineveh is given.
Nineveh’s destruction
[Nah 3]Nineveh’sgreatsinisidentified.HerdestructionwillbesimilartothatinflictedonNo-Amon(Thebes)inEgypt.Nineveh’sruinwillbe final, and the nations she oppressed will be joyful.