The amazing relationship between Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1
Proof absolute that the first words in Genesis came from God.Thisis,perhapssurprisingly,amathematicalconnectionbetweenthesetwoversesthatdemonstratetheoriginmustbeoutside our time and space. In other words, from God.This is a PDF file and will be loaded in a new window.Click here to view.A straight read is about six minutes, but could take up to ten minutes for a slow, more absorbing read.
The desert cross
A little gem from the book of Numbers chapter 2.Readingthesechapterscanbealittlelikereadinggenealogies,alittletiresomeandatendencytorushthroughorevenskipover them. However, the numbers listed here reveal an interesting image.Click here to watch, from 54m 36s to 59m 01s.If you just let this run on to 1h 07m 04s, then you will see ‘The Coming King’, as below.
The coming King
Daniel 9:24-27. A prophecy accurate to the day.This is a follow-on from the previous video.If you want to go direct to the start uf this section, then ….Click here to view from 59m 03s to 1h 07m 04s
Trees in Genesis
This short excerpt shows that the names of all the trees in Genesis are encoded in Genesis 1:Click here to watch from, 39m 50s to 40m 54s
The structure of Genesis
The use of toledoths/colophons in Genesis show that the first words in Genesis came from God.Click here to read.Thisonlytakesaminutetoread,butifyouchoosetofollowthelinkattheend,itisanin-depthanalysiswhichisaroundaforty minute read.
The Torah codes
The books of the Torah point to Yahweh (Jehovah)Click here to watch, from 34m 10s to 37m 05s
Genesis 5, more than just a genealogy
An incredible prophecy encoded within the genealogy listed in chapter five of Genesis.Click here to watch.Read time is four minutes.
The following six video excerpts are from the publishing ministry Koinonia House. They are freely available on YouTube.
Genealogy from Boaz to King David
This short genealogical list is encoded in Genesis 38, centuries before Boaz.Click here to watch, from 55m 08s to 56m 18s
Fingerprints Of God
Evolution vs Creation
Reasons To Believe
Some words on evolution and creation that can be of interest to non-believers and believers alike.Click here to view.
Psalm 22
A Psalm of David: Suffering and salvation; Christ on the cross.ThisissaidtobethemostquotedpsalmintheNewTestament.ItisaprayertoGodatatimewhenDavidisundergreat distress.Asasummary,itisnotsomuchDavid’sprayerandcircumstancethatisofprimaryinterest,butthefactthatitis clearly a prophetic (Messianic) psalm.Click here for a summary of the prophetic verses.