Genesis chapter 5 relates the genealogy of Adam to Noah. The ten Hebrew names listed all have a meaning, but are simply transliterated rather than translated. However, translating them uncovers a remarkable message: They contain an encoded single sentence summary of the Gospel. Let’s look at the ten names in the order they are listed.


The 1st name, Adam, originates from adomah, and indicates “man.” As the very first man, that appears simple enough. ADAM = MAN


Adam’s boy was called Seth, which in turn implies “appointed”. The moment he was birthed Eve stated, God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, because Cain killed him [Gen 4:25] . SETH = APPOINTED, GRANTED, GIVEN


Seth’s boy was referred to as Enos, which means “mortal,” “frail,” or “miserable.” It comes from the root anash: “to be not curable”; used of an injury, sorrow, trouble, illness, or wickedness. ENOSH = MORTAL, FRAIL, FEEBLE


Enosh’s son was called Kenan, which can easily mean “grief,” dirge,” or “elegy.” (The exact meaning of Kenan is obscure, but it possibly means to chant a dirge or lamentation, or to sing a sad song. Other commentators state that the word means “possession.”) KENAN = SORROW, DIRGE, LAMENTATION


Kenan’s child was Mahalalel, from mahalal, which indicates “blessed” or “praise”; and El, the name for God. Therefore, Mahalalel suggests “the Blessed God.” Hebrew names frequently included El, the name of God, as Dani-el, “God is my Judge,” Nathani-el, “Gift of God,” and so on. MAHALALEL = THE BLESSED GOD, THE PRAISEWORTHY GOD


Mahalalel’s boy was called Jared, from the action-word yaradh, implying “shall come down.” JARED = SHALL COME DOWN


Jared’s son was named Enoch, which means “teaching, or commencement”. He was the first of four generations of preachers. In fact, the earliest recorded prophecy was by Enoch, which amazingly enough deals with the Second Coming of Christ (although it is quoted in the Book of Jude in the New Testament): E noch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against. [Jude 14–15] ENOCH = TEACHING


The Flood of Noah did not appear as a shock. It had actually been preached for about for 4 generations. Something unusual occurred when Enoch was 65, from which time he walked with God . Enoch was presented a prediction that so long as his son lived, the judgement of the flood would be held back. However as quickly as he passed away, the flood would be sent forth. Enoch named his son to show this particular prophecy. The name Methuselah originates from 2 roots: muth, a root that indicates “death”; and from shalach, which indicates “to bring,” or “to send forth.” Therefore, the name Methuselah represents, “his death shall bring.” METHUSELAH = HIS DEATH SHALL BRING


Methuselah’s son was called Lamech, a root still obvious today in our own English word, “lament” or “lamentation.” Lamech indicates “despairing.” LAMECH = THE DESPAIRING


Lamech, obviously, is the father of Noah, which is stemmed from nacham, “to bring relief” or “comfort.” Genesis 5:29 tells us that Lamech named his son Noah, saying, This one shall comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which Jehovah has cursed. NOAH = COMFORT, REST Let’s list them side by side with some minor words added. Hebrew English Adam Man (is) Seth Appointed Enosh Mortal Kenan Sorrow; Mahalalel (but) the Blessed God Jared Shall come down Enoch Teaching (that) Methuselah His death shall bring Lamech the Despairing Noah Rest, or comfort. Now, as a sentence …. Man is appointed mortal sorrow; but the blessed God shall come down teaching that His death shall bring the despairing rest, or comfort. Obviously, the placement of a Messianic prophecy within the genealogy of Genesis 5 is beyond the capability of mere humans. It’s existence points to an intelligence outside our space and time - God - inspiring the pre-flood fathers to name their sons in such a way as to create this astonishing prophecy.

Genesis 5, more than just a genealogy