This is offered in four levels, from a simple short overview of primary events to a full précis. A description of each level can be read on the Main Menu page. So often Christians question if it is necessary to read all the Bible when the New Testament clearly teaches us how to lead our lives and what is expected of us as Christians. Augustine of Hippo is credited with saying "In the Old Testament the New is concealed, in the New the Old is revealed." Theologians, or Bible students, would recognise this, but even a little understanding of some of the Old Testament helps in a deeper appreciation of some of the New. Just to read the Bible from cover to cover without study takes around 72 hours. Bible reading plans tend to aim at reading the Bible in a year, but it is questionable just how much would be remembered. If you are impatient to get to know the Bible storyline, then this site will hopefully go some way to helping you. However, please remember these files simply ‘teach’ you the content as a series of events, they do not teach you the meaning or life application of those events; that can only come from further reading and study. -------------------------------
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This site enables you to become familiar with the Bible in a relatively short time. If you are a new Christian, this will help you to quickly get to know the Bible’s content, in précis form, as a backcloth to further reading and study. EasyBible can also serve as a refresher for anyone already familiar with the Bible.
Welcome to EasyBible
This site enables you to become familiar with the Bible in a relatively short time. If you are a new Christian, this will help you to quickly get to know the Bible’s content, in précis form, as a backcloth to further reading and study. EasyBible can also serve as a refresher for anyone already familiar with the Bible.

Beyond EasyBible

Contains a selection of files that are beyond the basic remit of EasyBible